Can your OOH campaign generate & use its own power? 🔋

Let’s face it, the industry is changing. Digital billboards are gaining momentum…and so is their energy consumption!

Here are some of our favorite solar-powered projects from the past that prove creativity and sustainability are a winning combination!

An Absolut Alternative

20 years ago, Absolut shined the light on alternative energy solutions with this innovative billboard. They wanted a solution to combat the rolling brownouts that were happening in California in 2002. By turning their iconic bottle into a solar panel, this billboard stayed lit when everything else went dark. ⁠

See this billboard in action.

SUNCHIPS® & The Sun ☀️

When SUNCHIPS® manufacturing plants switched to solar energy in 2008, they used this campaign to advertise their big change!

We created this dynamic board using nothing but the movement of the sun and shadow it casts! While the effect is simple enough, it took precise (and sometimes tedious!) calculations to ensure the angle of the sun, the billboard orientation, and board size worked together to make this work. 

PG&E Power Plant

Solar can save serious energy – and then some. We fit this PG&E board with twenty functional solar panels, supplying power to the board and giving power back to the grid, ultimately saving PG&E on both energy and cost!😎⁠

We have been helping brands make sustainable statements for over 20 years! 

Contact us and see how we can make your next campaign more sustainable.